May 29, 2023
Have you ever imagined alternative scenarios that could have prevented your person from dying? Going down the path in your mind of the would’ve, could’ve, should’ve things that have happened in the past is not logical, and yet, it’s extremely common in grief.
Hear what counterfactual thinking in grief...
May 22, 2023
Kara Loewentheil is a Master Certified coach and a powerhouse feminist confidence coach, and we recently had a conversation on grief, patriarchy, and post-traumatic growth over on her podcast.
Hear my insights on the various theories of grief and what I find most helpful, our socialization and the role of the...
May 15, 2023
A few years ago, I would never have been able to give myself the opportunity to receive good things. Maybe like me, you have lots of “shoulds” and rules about investing in your own pleasure.
Hear why it’s essential for us to learn to receive while grieving, the reasons you might find this challenging,...
May 8, 2023
I have a unique vantage point as a coach. I get to see the entire transformation of my clients, and former Mom Goes On member Cindy’s was stark.
I watched Cindy go from the depths of despair to finding hope for her future. She’s sharing what her grief journey looks like, and how she challenged the tools inside...
May 1, 2023
We have so many Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) in grief, and we can spiral downward in them very quickly. Whether it’s that you won’t ever be happy again, no one understands you, or you’re just not doing it right, we often don’t even see them as thoughts. We just believe them.
Hear why your grief ANTs...