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The Widowed Mom Podcast

Aug 26, 2019

This week we're discussing the "have-tos" and pressure that we pile on ourselves and why it doesn't have to be this way. We'll talk about why we disempower ourselves when we tell ourselves we "have to" do things and how to coach ourselves out of this mindset. I'll also share some client stories with you about choosing...

Aug 19, 2019

Trying to have a say in the actions of others or the events of our lives makes us feel like we’re doing something about our situation, but it’s actually taking focus off the things we can have a say over – the things that will help us grow from our trauma. 

Tune into the podcast this week to discover how owning it...

Aug 12, 2019

In this episode, we're talking about how to think about the anniversary of your husband's death in a way that honors your feelings and capacity on the day. Just like grief, there's no one way to approach this day. We'll dig into why people have expectations about how you "should" act, why you should leave...

Aug 5, 2019

I've learned so much since my husband died: about myself and what I'm capable of; about my children and how resilient they are; and about life and how to live it. Things have, of course, not always been easy without him. But there have been so many opportunities for learning and growth since he passed away, too.

I wanted...